Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparing Sleeping Eros and a Stele of a Little Girl

Joyce Salame Art History Paper Whether in the fifth century B.C.E or the first century C.E, Greek art has maintained continuity among its theories since its inception. Throughout history, the Greeks have been perfecting their human sculptures. The Metropolitan Kouros (600 B.C.E) and the Spear Bearer (450 B.C.E) are made centuries apart but have the same Greek interest of the human anatomy. However, because of the time difference, it is clear that the Spear Bearer is more advanced. The same idea goes to the marble grave Stele of a Little Girl (440 B.C.E) and the bronze statue of Eros Sleeping (1st century C.E). They share many similarities such as the Greek touch; conversely, they have their differences. The two sculptures, Stele of†¦show more content†¦One can almost imagine the drool coming out of his mouth. Most importantly, it gives the illusion of a sleeping baby lying nude after days play. This illusion comes from his worn out sleeping position, chubby arms, and his curls spilling over his head. Th is statue is different than the typical Greek style because of the baby’s proportions. Greek art celebrates the perfection of human anatomy. Most Greek sculptures, especially ones of gods, show perfection in the muscles and cuts in the body. On the other hand, this sculpture shows the opposite. There aren’t any muscles shown in the baby Eros; in fact, the creator emphasized on presenting Eros’s big belly. With one arm hanging over his body, the sculpture’s belly has a stomach roll. In addition to that, his belly button looks like it is hidden and misshaped in all the chubbiness. As much as the Greeks loved to portray the natural human body, presenting a person with the perfect muscular body is the opposite of natural. The shape of Eros’s body in this sculpture shows a great achievement for the Greeks to depict a more realistic body. The Stele of a Little Girl and Sleeping Eros are very similar. First off, the obvious, they are both sculptures of ch ildren. Both of these sculptures didn’t have to be of children, yet, their creator chose to do so. This fact causes the viewer to feel more emotional towards them. There is something about a child upset or peacefully resting that

Monday, December 16, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Free Essays

Krystal Giffen The Grapes of Wrath Part 1: Literary Analysis 1. A. â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœWhat’s this call, this sperit? ’ An’ I says, ‘It’s love†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 23, Chapter 4). We will write a custom essay sample on Grapes of Wrath or any similar topic only for you Order Now This quote is an example of an metaphor. The use of this metaphor was to show the reader why the preacher doesn’t preach anymore. The effect the metaphor had on the reader was, for them to see how the preacher really viewed ‘the sperit’. B. â€Å"One cat’ takes and shoves ten families out. Cat’s all over hell now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 8, Chapter 2). This quote is an example of symbolism. The truck driver uses the animal cat to describe the people who tractor out croppers from their crops and homes. The effect of using a cat to describe someone was negative. The cat description made the reader view the person who tractors out croppers as evil, cunning and thoughtless. C. â€Å"†¦ The Bank -or the Company-needs-wants-insists-must have -as though the Bank or the Company were a monster, with thought and feeling which had ensnared them. † (pg. 31, Chapter 5). This quote is an example of an epic simile. The use of his simile is to show the reader that the Bank or Company that takes the land acts as a monster, being mean and cold. D. â€Å"Can you live without the willow tree? Well, no, you can’t. The willow tree is you. The pain of that mattress there – that dreadful pain – that’s you. † (pg. 89, Chapter 9). This quote is an example of a metaphor. The use of this metaphor is to relate all of the families belongings to them, that the belongings are indeed part of them. The effect of this metaphor is to show the reader how much the families belongings actually meant to them. E. â€Å"Damn it,’ he said, ‘a pick is a nice tool (umph), if you don’ fight it (umph). You an’ the pick (umph) workin’ together (umph)’ (pg. 298, Chapter 22). This quote is an example of Epizeuxis. The use and effect of this epizeuxis is to show emphasis on how heavy the pick was and how hard it was to work back then. The epizeuxis helps the reader image Tom working in the hot sun with the heavy pick, working for just twenty-five cents an hour. 2. A. â€Å"You know the land is poor. You’ve scrabbled at it long enough, God knows. The squatting tenant men nodded and wondered and drew figures in the dust, and yes, they knew, God knows†¦ The owner men went on leading to their point: You know the land’s getting poorer†¦ If they could only rotate the crops they might pump blood back into the land. Well, it’s too late†¦ A man can hold land if he can just eat and pay taxes; he can do that. Yes, he can do that until his crops fail one day and he has to borrow money from the bank†¦ a bank or a company can’t do that, because those creatures don’t breathe air, don’t eat side-meat. They breather profits; they eat the interest on money†¦ Can’t we just hang on? Maybe the next year will be a good year. God knows how much cotton next year†¦ Next year, maybe†¦ We can’t depend on it. The bank-the monster has to have profits all the time. It can’t wait. It’’ die. No, taxes go on†¦ The tenant system won;t work anymore†¦ You’ll have to get off the land. The plow’ll go through the dooryard† (pg. 33, Chapter 5). The significance of this passage is that it shows how the Banks would take the land from the croppers and how the croppers were crushed. This passage relates to the work as a whole because it shows the reader how the migration to the west started, how hundreds of families would get evicted from their land and forced to move elsewhere. B. â€Å" ‘Who’s in here? ’ Ma asked. ‘What is it you want, mister? ’ ‘What you think I want? I want to know who’s in here. ’ ‘Why, they’s jus’ us three in here. Ma an’ Granma an’ my girl. ’ ‘Where’s your men? ’ ‘Why they went down to clean up. We was drivin’ all night. ’ ‘Where’d you come from? ’ ‘Right near Sallisaw, Oklahoma. ’ ‘Well, you can’t stay here. ’ ‘We aim to get out tonight an’ cross the desert, mister. ’ ‘Well you better. If you’re here tomorra this time I’ll run you in. We don’t want none of you settlin’ down here. ’†¦ ‘Mister,’ she said, ‘ you got a tin button an’ a gun. Where I come from, you keep your voice down. ’ She advanced on him with the skillet. He loosened the gun in the holster. ‘Go ahead,’ said Ma. ‘Scarin women/ I’m thankful the men folks ain’t here. They’d tear ya to pieces. In my country you watch your tongue. ’ The man took two steps backward. ‘Well, you ain’t in your country now. You’re in California, an’ we don’t want you goddamn Okies settlin’ down. ’ †¦ ‘Yeah, Okies! An’ if you’re here when I come tomorra, I’ll run ya in† (pg. 215, Chapter 18). The significance of this passage is it shows how life changed so much once the Joads moved west, they were in someone else’s territory now. This passage shows how the Joads would have to change the way they acted since they moved to California. This passage relates to the work as a whole because it shows the reader how difficult and cruel it was to move to the West back during the dust bowl. People weren’t treated equally because of were they came from and how poor they were. C. â€Å"They had no more the stomach-tearing lust for the rich acre and a shining blade to plow it, for seed and a windmill beating its wings in the air. They arose in the dark no more to hear the sleepy birds’ first chittering, and the morning wind dear acres. These things were lost, nd crops were rechoned in dollars, and land was valued by principal plus interest, and crops were bought and sold before they were planted. Then crop failure, drought, and flood were no longer little deaths within life, but simple losses of money. And all their love was thinned with money, and all their fierceness dribbled away in interest until they were no longer farmers at all, but little shopkeepers of crops, little manufacturers who must sell before they can make. Then those farmers who were not good shopkeepers lost their land to good shopkeepers. No matter how clever, how loving a man might be with earth and growing things, he could not survive if he were not also a good shopkeeper. And as time went on, the business men had the farms, and the farms grew larger, but there were fewer of them† (pg. 231-232, Chapter 19). The significance of this passage is it shows the reader how the land used to be owned by people, farmers, who loved the land and cared for the land but it turned into a business over the years. Farming wasn’t about the feel or love anymore, it was all about money. This passage relates to the work as a whole because the whole book is about how money can affect people, how ownership can turn into something terrible and turn people against each other. D. â€Å"She sat down and opened the box. Inside were letters, clippings, photographs, a pair of earrings a little gold signet ring and a watch chain braided of hair and tipped with gold swivels†¦ For a long time she held the box, looking over it, and her fingers disturbed the letters and then lined them up again†¦ And at last she made up her mind†¦ She took a letter from an envelope and dropped the trinkets in the envelope. She folded the envelope and put it in her dress pocket†¦ She lifted the stove lid and laid the box gently among the coals. Quickly the heat browned the paper†¦ She replaced the stove lid and instantly the fire sighed up and breather over the box† (pg. 108, Chapter 10). The significance of this passage is it shows the reader how it’s so hard for the Joad’s to just give up all their belongings and leave. This relates to the story as a whole because it show’s how during the dust bowl you had to give up a lot if you wanted to survive. E. â€Å"I know, Ma. I’m a-tryin’. But them deputies- Did you ever see a deputy that didn’ have a fat ass? An’ they waggle their ass an’ flop their gun aroun’. Ma,’ he said, ‘if it was the law they was workin’ with, why, we could take it. But it ain’t the law. They’re a-workin’ away at our spirits. They’re a-tryin’ to make us cringe an’ crawl like a whipped bitch. They tryin’ to break us. Why, Jesus Christ, Ma, they comes a time when the on’y way a fella can keep his decency is by takin’ a sock at a cop. They’re workin’ on our decency† (pg. 278-279, Chapter 20). The significance of this passage is it shows how even the law was corrupt do to greediness. The deputies were corrupt so they could eat, feed their family and feel powerful. This passage relates to the work as a whole because it shows how people change once hunger and stable living comes into play. The people who have nothing are honest and look out for each other while people who have something do everything in their power to keep it, even if that means corrupting what’s right. Part 2: Plot, Setting, Themes and Vocabulary 3. Tom Joad- A young man, the favorite child of the Joad family. Tom went to jail for killing a man at a bar fight, but he got put on parole after 4 years in prison for his good record. He doesn’t regret what he did, he even says he’d do it again if he had to. Tom is the one who guides his family throughout the book, acting as the protector of the family. 4. Tom’s purpose in the story was to lead the Joad family to California and to make sure he could do everything in his well-being to make living possible for him and his family. Tom is a dynamic character, he changes when there are different people around. He knows when he needs to keeps pushing or when he needs to stop. 5. Tom is related to the majority of the other characters. Toms relationship with Casy is that they met when Tom was searching for his family, and they helped each other out because they knew what each other was going through. Tom and Floyd are very similar in that they want they same thing, they want to do good for their family. Tom was the once who suggested that Ivy and Sairy Wilson travel with the Joads. Muley Graves- A former neighbor of the Joads. Helped Tom find his family when he first got out of jail. Muley got evicted from his house just like the Joads but he could’t leave the land, his family left him for California. 4. Muley’s function in the story was to help Tom find his family when he got out of jail and went back home. Muley was a static character who just showed his anger towards the bankers and Willy. 5. Muley was the Joad’s neighbor back in Oklahoma, and used to go to church where Casy was the preacher. Ma Joad- Ma Joad is the mother of the Joad family, she’s the one who is trying to keep the family together throughout the whole book. She takes on all her motherly duties without the blink of an eye. She is tough and won’t get pushed around easily but doesn’t know when not to speak up when she is getting pushed around. . Ma’s purpose in the story was to hold the family together and be strong when no one else could. She helped the family stay together though all the tough times. Ma was a dynamic character who changes a lot throughout the story. She was very quiet at the being of the story but once the story progressed she got more vocal and outspoken. 5. Ma is the mother of all the Joad family. She used to bring the Joad’s to the church that Casy used to preach at. The Wilson’s helped Ma out by sharing the food they had with the whole Joad family. Pa Joad- The tenant farmer who got evicted from his farm, the father of the Joad family and married to Ma Joad. Once he got evicted he focused on getting the family to California. Once they got to California Pa wasn’t able to find work and became weaker than Ma and became desperate. 4. Pa’s purpose was to help the family get to California and find work once they got there. Since Pa didn’t find work, he helped Ma out. Pa is a static character who doesn’t change much during the book. 5. Pa is the father of the Joad father and went to the church that Cast used to preacher at. Pa helped any way he could with the Wilson’s car when it was broken-down. Jim Casy- Jim was a former preacher until he gave it up because he got to thinking that ‘the sperit’ he believed in so much was just love, and the other spirit wasn’t in him anymore. He goes along with the Joad family to California but before he could find a job he got arrested to protect Tom during a fight between laborers and a deputy from the California police. During the trip to California he helps the Joad family out a lot by praying for both Granma and Granpa Joad when they passed. 4. Casy’s purpose in the story was to the Joad family by praying when it needed to be done like at Granma and Granpa Joad’s deaths. Casy was a dynamic character because at the beginning of the story he was alone because he didn’t want to preach anymore but as the story moved on he preached when he had to and he also saved Tom and Floyd by giving himself in. 5. Jim Casy used to the preacher that the Joad family used to go to, he baptized Tom when he was younger. Casy helped Floyd out by giving himself up instead of letting Tom and Floyd take the blame. Casy was the preacher of Muley’s family too. Noah Joad- The first born of the Joad family. He was deformed at birth because Pa panicked during the delivery and tried to pull him out. He felt that he wasn’t as loved as the other Joad children so he left the family at a stream near the California border, saying he was better off there. 4. Noah’s purpose in the story was to help the family get to California. Noah could be both a dynamic or a static character because throughout the whole story he didn’t change much but at the river he took a bold step and left the family. 5. Noah was the oldest son of the Joad family, who used to go see Casy preach. Noah never met Floyd and Muley used to be his neighbor. Rose of Sharon (Rosasharn)- the oldest daughter in the Joad family who is married to Connie. She journeys to California with Connie and the Joad family while being pregnant. The couple imagines how life will be once they get to California but once reality hits Connie abandons her during their first stop in California, and her baby is born dead. 4. Rose of Sharon’s purpose in the book was to be strong when so many bad things happen in life all at once. Rose of Sharon showed how you had to be mature and strong even though live was tough. Rose of Sharon was a dynamic character because at first she was love struck but then she started acting immature and babyish. But by the end of the book she matured and was a strong woman. 5. Rose of Sharon was the oldest daughter in the Joad family. She used to be preached by Jim Casy and was married the Connie. Ivy and Sairy Wilson were friends while they traveled together. Connie- He is Rose of Sharon’s husband who has unrealistic dreams with his wife. He dreams too much and soon abandons Rose of Sharon to go study tractors and to hopefully get paid 3 dollars and hour. His leaving surprises only Rose of Sharon. . Connie’s purpose in the story was to leave the Joad family to show how stress, depression and money can really move some people. Connie was also a dynamic character because he was ‘in love’ with Rose of Sharon for the whole story until they got to California and reality hit that getting a job was harder than they both thought. Connie left the Jo ad family in hopes that he would be able to make 3 dollars a day back in Oklahoma. 5. Connie was married to Rose of Sharon making him a brother in-law and son in-law of the Joad family. Casy was just an acquaintance of Connie. Connie never met Muley or Floyd. Granma Joad- Granma loved having Casy around because she was a Christian. She too loved to torment Granpa Joad just like he did her. Once Granpa died she started to slowly die herself, she dies right after the Joad family reaches California. 4. Granma’s purpose in the story was to show even though she was dying the family never left her behind because she was family. Granma was static character because while Granpa was alive all they did was rise hell with each other but once he didn’t she got sick and didn’t talk or do much. 5. Granma Joad was the mother of Pa and the Granma of the Joad children. She loved Casy because she was a devoted Christian and he was a preacher. Granma Joad appreciated the help of the Wilson’s during Granpa’s death. Granma never met Floyd. Granpa Joad- He was the one who ran the Indian’s off of the land to make the Joad farm possible, is now old and feeble. He loves to torment his wife and family. He is connected to the land and didn’t want to leave it for California, but Tom drugged him to get him to come. On their first stop along the journey Granpa dies of a stroke, most likely a heat stroke. 4. Granpa’s purpose in the story was to show his love for the land was stronger that anything else. Once he left the land he got sick and died. Granpa was a dynamic character because during the whole story he would just rise hell for the whole family but then once he was about to die he broke down and started crying. 5. Granpa Joad was the father of Pa and the Granpa of the Joad children. Granpa like Casy because he would pray for his wife. Granpa Joad never really met the Wilson’s but they helped him out tremendously by giving him a tent to die in. Granpa never met Floyd and was the neighbor of Muley. Al Joad- 16-year old son of the Joad family. His main interest is in girls and cars. He was responsible for the whole family on the long voyage to California because the car was his responsibility. If something happened to the car it would have been his fault, resulting in the suffering of his family. He looks up to Tom throughout the book, but soon becomes his own man. He falls in love with Agnes Wainwright while working and stays with her instead of leaving with his family. 4. Al’s purpose in the story was to help keep the car running on their journey to California. Al made sure the car kept running all the way to California and made sure it never broke down. Al was a dynamic character because he was some what immature at the beginning of the story but he ended up acting very mature by the end of the story. He was idolized Tom, but soon grew up to be his own man. 5. Al was the middle son of the Joad family. He helped Floyd fix his car before they had to flee the Hooverville. Al helped the Wilson’s by fixing their car too. Casy made sure Al wasn’t around when he got arrested so their wouldn’t be any connection to Tom. Ivy and Sairy Wilson- The Joads met the Wilson’s on their first night stop on their journey to California. Both of the Wilson’s were sweet and nice, they lent their tent to the Joad’s so that Granpa Joad would have a comfortable place to die. To return the favor Al and Tom fixed their broken-down car, and then they two families decided to travel to California together. During the journey their car break down again and Al and Tom fix it again but before they can move on the Wilson’s said they couldn’t move on because of Sairy’s health. 4. The Wilson’s purpose in the story was to help the Joad family by sharing their food and their car with them. The Wilson’s showed the reader that even during these tough times people could still be nice. The Wilson’s were static characters always being helpful but knew because of Sairy’s health they would eventually have to stop. 5. The Wilson’s relationship with the Joad family was they helped each other out, they were friends. The Wilson’s liked Casy because before the Joad’s left the Wilson’s Casy prayed for Sairy even though he didn’t want to. The Wilson’s never met Muley or Floyd. Uncle John- Pa’s brother who is crazy, stringy and mean. John is filled with guilt and shame because years ago he didn’t get a doctor for his 4 month pregnant wife who complained of stomach pains and died the day after from a ruptured appendix. He blames himself for her death and because of it his loneliness cuts him off from people and his appetite. 4. Uncle John’s purpose in the story was to help out in any way he could but to also show selfishness when he got depressed. Uncle John was a static character because throughout the whole story he just felt guilty and ashamed of what he did so long ago. 5. Uncle John was Pa’s brother and the Uncle of the Joad family. He talked to Casy about his sins a few times and appreciated the advice of Casy. Uncle John was the neighbor of Muley and never really met Floyd. Ruthie Joad- The sencond and youngest Joad daughter who has almost a twin-like relationship with her younger brother Winfield. During the book they do almost everything together, they feed off of each other’s energy. 4. Ruthie’s purpose in the story was to help out Ma in any way she could and some what look after Winfield whenever they were together. Ruthie was a dynamic character because at the beginning of the story she acted fearless but during the story we found out she was only fearless with Winfield by her side. She also acted immaturely and didn’t think things through before she spoke. 5. Ruthie was the youngest daughter of the Joad family and used to be preacher by Casy. The Wilson’s were companions of hers, Muley was her old neighbor and she never really met Floyd. Winfield Joad- He is the youngest Joad at the age of ten. He does everything with Ruthie. 4. Winfield’s purpose was to help Ma out in any way he could. Winfield was the youngest child in the story and had to grow up during these tough times making it hard to act like normal ten year-old. Winfield was a static character because he was just a child throughout the whole story. 5. Winfield was the youngest child of the Joad family. He traveled with the Wilson’s and Casy but never talked out associated with them much. Muley used to be Winfield’s neighbor and he never really met Floyd. Floyd Knowles- A migrant worker who Tom meets at the first Hooverville. He gives Tom word on a job up north. His outspokenness gets him into an argument with a deputy where Casy gets arrested for him and Tom’s sake. 4. Floyd’s purpose in the book was to help the Joad’s find work and to work with Tom in making labor unions. Floyd was a dynamic character because he seemed go know when to stop talked when he first got introduced but once the deputy came into the story he was outspoken. . Floyd helped the Joad family out by giving them word on work up north. Casy gave himself in for Floyd and Tom. Floyd never met the Wilson’s or Muley. Part 3: Plot, Setting, Themes and Vocabulary 6. The central settings of the story were in Oklahoma and California. The significance of Oklahoma was that was wher e the whole story started. Oklahoma was were the Joad family grew up but they got evicted from their house. Oklahoma got changed while they were living there. Granpa Joad stole the land and then the land got stolen from him but the Bank Company. Oklahoma was not there home anymore so they moved on to California. California was described as beautiful land with plenty of jobs available. But once they reached California they learned that the land was beautiful but the people who owned it were not. California was dirty land because of the people who ran it. California wasn’t what the Joad’s expected and they wanted to change that, and Tom eventually did. 7. The exposition of Grapes of Wrath is Tom gets paroled out of jail and goes to find his family. He finds out both his family and his Uncle got evicted from their homes so they travel to California for work. The main conflict throughout the whole book is the drought of the Dust Bowl, which results in hundreds of families getting evicted from their homes and being forced to move west. The Joad family was one of those hundreds of families who had to move. The rising action in the story is the journey of the Joad family to California. Once in California the Joad family has a hard time finding work, and at the first Hooverville get into an argument with a local deputy, resulting in Casy getting arrested. The family lives at a government camp for a while but then move on to find work. One night there was a strike at an orchard and Tom finds Casy there. Casy gets murdered by one of the policeman that was trying to stop the strike. In response, Tom kills the policeman in spite, which is the climax of the story. Tom becomes an outlaw and has to hide from the world to protect his family. In the end Tom ends up running, leaving the rest of his family to escape and be free, which is the resolution of the story. 8. The major themes presented in the work are Bad treatment of the migrant workers, also known as the Okies; the Survival of Kinship and Growth and Maturity. Bad treatment of the migrant workers in one of the major themes in the Grapes of Wrath because all of the Okies looking for work would be smaller wages and would have to live in Hoovervilles. The workers barely made it by because of how badly they were being treated and paid but the California police and land owners. An example of this would be how the first deputy treated Floyd and Tom because they were outspoken. The Survival of Kinship is also another major theme in the Grapes of Wrath because Ma tries to keep the family together no matter what. During the Dust Bowl all you could count on was your family, no one else. Family is the only thing the Okies really had left, so they would do anything in there power to stay together. An example of keeping the family together would be when Tom had to knock Uncle John out to have him move up north with the rest of the family. Growth and Maturity was also a major theme in the Grapes of Wrath. Every character grew and matured during the story, showing the reader that the only why they would be able to keep living would be to grow up and become mature. An example would be how Rose of Sharon matured after her baby was a still born. 9. Emulsion- a mixture of mutually insoluble liquids in which one is dispersed in droplets throughout the other; a light-sensitive coating on photographic film or paper. â€Å"Now the dust was evenly mixed with the air, an emulsion of dust and air† (pg. 3, Chapter 1). Insinuation- to imply in a subtle, indirect, or artful way â€Å"His voice had the same quality of secrecy and insinuation his eyes had† (pg. 8, Chapter 2). Judiciously- having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgement â€Å"The driver squinted judiciously ahead and built up the speed of the truck a little† (pg. 8, Chapter 2). Auger- a tool for boring †¦ and sometimes they drove big earth augers into the ground for soil tests† (pg. 31, Chapter 5). Beseech- to beg urgently â€Å"He did not know or own or trust or beseech the land† (pg. 35, Chapter 5). Leanto- A shed with a single-pitch roof attached to the side of a building; A shelter made from planks or branches raised in the front on poles. â€Å"Joad paused at the entrance to the tool-shed leanto, an no tools were there†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 40, Chapter 6). Petulant- Unreasonably irritable or ill tempered; peevish. â€Å"†¦ the mouth held tight and small, the little eyes half scowling, half petulant† (pg. 45, Chapter 5). Peddler- One who peddles for a living, a hawker; also called â€Å"packman†. â€Å"She aimed to go for that peddler with the ax†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 48, Chapter 5). Boils- A painful swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a hard pus-filled center, caused by bacterial infection, usually occurring at a hair follicle. â€Å"Look out for boils on that jackrabbit† (pg. 50, Chapter 5). Blazoned- To paint or depict (a coat of arms) with accurate heraldic detail; to adorn or embellish with or as if with blazons; to announce publicly; proclaim loudly and widely â€Å"†¦ the garages with blazoned signs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 61, Chapter 5). Jalopy- An old, dilapidated car. Get ‘em out in a jalopy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 61, Chapter 6). Heifer- A young cow, especially one that has not yet given birth to a calf. â€Å"Well, one day he takes a heifer over to Graves’ bull† (pg. 70, Chapter 7). Meerchaum- A claylike material consisting of hydrated magnesium s ilicate; A tobacco pipe with the bowl made from this. â€Å"Over old Tom’s unwhiskered cheek bones the skin was as brown as meerschaum†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 71, Chapter 8). Citadel- A fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city. â€Å"She seemed to know, to accept, to welcome her position, the citadel of the family†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 74, Chapter 8). Jabbering- talk rapidly and excitedly but with little sense; fast, excited talk that makes little sense. â€Å"All over the State, jabbering in the Hoovervilles† (pg. 237, Chapter 19). 10. A). Why were the deputies corrupting the law and treating the Okies unfairly? B). What the importance of keeping the family together even though Tom killed another man and was on the run from the law? C). Did Rose of Sharon do any real sin that would result in her having a still born baby? D). Was it right of Casy to give himself up for Tom, just so he could get in trouble with the law again? E). What was the outcome of the Dust Bowl? How to cite Grapes of Wrath, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

John Miltons Personal Influence on the Writing of Paradise Lost free essay sample

A look at John Miltons political and religious forum in the novel `Paradise Lost`. This paper examines John Miltons Paradise Lost and explains how it is more than just another entertaining tale, but rather a religious and political forum for Miltons personal views and feelings. From the paper: `Perhaps Paradise Lost was more than just a biblical tale of humankind?s fall from God?s grace, out of paradise. It was more, it was a religious and political forum for Milton to express his views unopposed, by using the conflict of good and evil in Paradise Lost portraying his own philosophies. With each struggle he illustrates his political and religious notions connecting them with the conflict of the main subject introduced in Book I, ?the creation, fall, and redemption of the world and humankind? (Lazzari 367). With certain influences in his life Milton?s beliefs were shaped into what they were during the composure of Paradise Lost. We will write a custom essay sample on John Miltons Personal Influence on the Writing of Paradise Lost or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With these influences and these beliefs he wrote a Paradise Lost.`

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sample Thesis free essay sample

Looking around at daily life, the pattern of computer oriented devices make life easier. All of the computerized facets in our society help to increase our daily productivity and help us to do whatever it is we need to accomplish in the day. The computer age is upon the people and it will continue to grow in influence until society revolves around it daily. In personal computers, the industry has begun to create faster machines that can store much more information. A computer is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. The particular sequence of operations can be change readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem. The interface between the computer and human operator is known as the user interface. [MIFF2009] The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Thesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol. [YOUR2013] Internet is such a huge network of several different interlinked networks relating to the business, government, academic, and even smaller domestic networks, therefore internet is known as the network of all the other networks. These networks enable the internet to be used for various important functions which include the several means of communications like the file transfer, the online chat and even the sharing of the documents and web sites on the WWW, or the World Wide Web. Website is a set of interconnected web pages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization. [MIFF2009] Information systems are implemented within an organization for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organizations, its work systems, people development and implementation methodologies determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved. With the use of Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station, people will be able to understand the importance of knowing what the possibilities are might happen due to their carelessness when it comes to their safety. Also, the website will view the offered services so that the people don’t need to visit the main station to inquire but simply use the internet to see all the information about the fire incidents, preventive tips and safety measures of the fire station. 1. 1 Statement of the Problem General Problem: How will the proponents develop an Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station that will motivate people more on efficient information about fire prevention and safety animation tips and tutorials Specific Problems: How will the proponents create a user- friendly interface which the user can easily understand. This becomes a problem if the person who is not computer literate, they have a hard time to understand and navigate the system. Unpleasant web design may cause unintentional mistakes and miss out the interests of the user. How will the proponents create a page that will secure unauthorized person to access important information. Due to manual process of the Sta. Maria Fire Station, important documents were not organized and only stored in computer ­, ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ filling cabinet, and even in wall shelves without any security causing the data to be access by unauthorized persons that can alter and easily destroy files. How will the proponents create appropriate animations, tutorials, and other multimedia elements for the proposed system. The fire station is conducting few events including seminars and still using the traditional ways of giving instructions that eventually may cause the people to get bored and at the same time, that the topics discussed on these events may be easily slip one’s mind. How will the proponents create a page that will post and update all activities of the Fire Station. Posting and updating the schedule of activities in a bulletin board is very risky due to its tendency to be destroyed unintentionally. Because of lacking of more space, previous announcements are being removed to create new one. And using materials and creating posters are time consuming and money wasting. How will the proponents create a page that will enable the user to send their comments and suggestions to the fire station Due to tradition process, the residents of Sta. Maria are having a hard time in getting information of the fire station. The residents also not informed if there is an announcement, activities or even seminars. 1. 2 Current State of the Technology Computers nowadays are widely spread to industries and businesses. People use it to make their work easier, faster and more accurate that reduces problems and errors. Many companies have already using the computerized and online system that is now making big roles in socializing people and distributing information. Creating websites or online systems expands the process of sharing, receiving and publishing information in a very quick and real – time manner. Information system is also an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Sta. Maria Fire Station is located at Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Before, both the police and fire station belongs in the same department. But since 1991, the fire station became separated and established causes to lose some important files. In the current system, the fire station is still using the manual process and accumulates several difficulties. SMFS announcements are posted only in bulletin board where pares and push pins are the tolls in posting updates and activities. Posting of events are made after the activity. Log books and other important documents are stored in filling cabinets and bookshelves indie and outside of the fire station’s office. Therefore, the materials have the tendency to be easily destroyed and fade as time passes by. The commonly problem of the establishment other than the lack of equipment is communicating and sharing information to people. SMFS owned 2 functional computers with internet connection and are used for making monthly reports and seminar’s presentation. The BFP requires different structures such as barangays, schools, hospitals and buildings to conduct seminars and inspections that are made through request. They also make inspection on submitted business permits. BFP requires conducting seminars so that the residents of Sta. Maria know how simple preventions will help and what they are going to do during incidents. They are only using projectors, LCD, Power Point Presentation, white board and marker. Presently, instead of 21, the fire station only have 18 firemen , composed of 10 Uniformed Personnel and 8 Non Uniformed Personnel (5Nurses assigned in fire aid and 3 volunteers). Uniformed Personnel are trained by the BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection). Sta. Maria Fire Station Vision A modern, efficient and responsive national fire protection agency working towards a public safety conscious society. Maria Fire Station Mission To protect lives and properties through the prevention and suppression of destructive fires; investigation of their causes and the provision of emergency medical and rescue services with the active support of the public. General Objectives To be able to create an Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station that will give efficient information and safety animation tips and tutorials on fire preventing 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives To be able to create a user friendly interface which the user can easily understand. The proponents will create a user friendly interface that can be used by anyone even if the users have no deep knowledge on it. This kind of interface can be immediately understood especially for the SMFS user/s and the usage of the system can be learned quickly. Simultaneously, it guides the user through the critical path. To be able to create a page that will secure unauthorized persons to access the proposed system. The proposed system will be having a tight security in keeping the files by creating a log-in page both for the page visitors and admin that contains username and password so that only the authorized person can access the system. Where, only the admin of the website can see all the fire station’s important information while page visitors have limited access on the SMFS’s web page. To be able to create the appropriate animations, tutorials, and other multimedia elements for the proposed system. Incorporating animations in fire safety and prevention tips, fire mitigation and some multimedia elements to the proposed system that the SMFS can use to different events, especially in conducting seminars, will encourage the user/s to easily understand and remember the instruction and information regarding fire preventing. To be able to create a page that will post and update all activities of the Fire Station. The proponents will create a page that can update and post information regarding the events and activities of SMFS so that the people of Sta. Maria will be updated. And also will take less effort, time, and money in creating and posting announcements on the bulletin board. To be able to create a page that will enable the user to send their comments and suggestions to the fire station This will help the fire station in communicating with the residents of Sta. Maria. And also this will help the residents of Sta. Maria to deliver their personal concerns and in getting reliable information when they needed. Maria Fire Station. The proposed system aims to help the SMFS in sharing, communicating, spreading information that will attract the interest of all the possible users. It helps to view important information and awareness about fire incidents from the fire station. PhpMyAdmin or SQL Server The proponent will use PhpMyAdmin or SQL Server as database that will hold and store all information needed in the system. The proponents will store different incidents of Sta. Maria. They will also store all opinions and suggestions that the user post and other information to maintain the content of the server (Back-End) of the system. Adobe Dreamweaver The system will use Adobe Dreamweaver which is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standard-based websites. In graphics editing and designing the proponents will use Adobe Photoshop. PHP scripting language The proponents will use PHP scripting language. It is a general-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It is among one of the most developed server-side scripting languages that is embedded into HTML source document, rather than calling an external file to process data. Ultimately, the code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP server module which generates the resulting web page. It evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical application. Adobe Photoshop The developers also decided to use Adobe Photoshop to design the interface of the front end and back end, including the background and buttons. Front End –the online part of the system that the visitors can see. This is also the user interface and contains all the information needed. The proponents used Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dream Weaver, and PHP to enhance the front end of the system containing the Log-in, Home, Media, News and Events, Community, Contact Us, and About Us. Log-in (officers and administrator) –the part of the system that handles the authentication of the officers and administrator. The officers and administrator should enter the username and password to access the Back End of the website. Home –this is the main page of the created system wherein you can see latest safety and prevention tips, video tutorial, most updated news and events such as incidents. The homepage is dynamic so that the administrator of the page can possibly add, update or delete postings. Media – this page contains Video tutorials for fire safety tips, photos of Oplan Iwas Paputok incidents and seminars conducted in different structures such as Barangay ugnayan, schools and hospitals. News and Events – this page contains news and events regarding the fire station so that the residents of Sta. Maria will always be updated from the most recent to the most featured news and events. .Community – this page shows some information about the fire station and Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Contact Us – system page where contact details and location of Sta. Maria Fire Station can be seen. About Us – this page provides important information of Sta. Maria Fire Station. This includes the mission, vision, and the fire station’s officials. Back End – The back-end can only be seen by the admin. Only the admin can access the back-end. Part of the system which the admin can alter, modify and update the current system. File Maintenance- this will enable the system admin of Sta. Maria Fire Station to update all the desired data and information in the system. Log-In Maintenance – part of the system that allows the administrator of the page to navigate the whole system. Home Maintenance – this will enable the admin to update the latest news, updates and daily prevention tip in the system’s main page. Media Maintenance – back-end page of the system where the admin can add and update video tutorials and photos such as incidents and seminars conducted in different structures such as Barangay ugnayan, schools and hospitals. News and Events Maintenance – part of the system that the admin updates the most recent news and events. Contact Us Maintenance – back-end page of the system that the admin can update the contact details of Sta. Maria Fire Station. About Us Maintenance – this page will enable the admin to update the officials of the fire station. Limitation: The proponent will develop an Online Information System exclusively for Sta. Maria Fire Station. The system excludes the sending of online emergency calls/message. In addition, past records of incidents and other confidential files are not included in the system. The scarcity of firemen and fire fighting equipments will not be covered by the system. The further information regarding the inspection of business permit held by the system’s beneficiary will not be covered. The system can only be use by the administrator of SMFS. The created system will not be responsible by the proponents if the system was being hacked and manipulated by unauthorized person. Sample thesis free essay sample Introduction Developing games on Android has its pros and cons. First, Android games are developed in Java, but Android is not a complete Java implementation. Many of the packages used for OpenGL and other graphic embellishments are included in the Android software development kit (SDK). Many does not mean all though, and some very helpful packages for game developers, especially 3-D game developers, are not included. Not every package that may have relied on to build past games will be available in Android. [JFDM 2011] The proposed game is entitled: School Rush is a type of running platform game with Pilipino culture style of interface. The feature of School Rush is play thru level by level, gaining power-ups and answering different kind of questions. The power-ups of the game are based on Pilipino heroes’ powers. It can be gain through the levels of the game. The game play of School Rush is to pass all levels of the game thru the obstacles of every level. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample thesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Each level has cases that to earn a specific power on passing the level is to answer a particular question. Pass all levels and earning points to get the highest possible score. 1. 1 Background of the Study The version history of the Android mobile operating system began with the release of the Android beta in November 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1. 0, was released in September 2008. Android is under ongoing development by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), and has seen a number of updates to its base operating system since its original release. Since April 2009, Android versions have been developed under a codename and released in alphabetical order: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean. As of 2013, over 900 million active devices use the Android OS worldwide. The most recent major Android update was Jelly Bean 4. 3, which was released on commercial devices on 24 July 2013. [JROB 2013] The game play of the proponent game is like an exceptional free runner with the concept of a Pilipino culture style interface. There are power-ups, items and upgrades to help the user to get through the obstacles and levels of the game. Each time the user acquire power ups they will be required to answer different set of questions, in order to gain access of that particular power-up. The user needs to collect different set of Philippine coins to help them along the game. The score of the game is based on the stars that will be highlighted from each level with their corresponding high score. In modern generations of Android application games, there are different kind of games are being developed. The samples of these games are Zombie Tsunami, Temple Run, Subway Surf, Vector, City Rush and so much more. These games have different kinds of game play, story, graphics and theme. But these games are all running platform games with only different kinds of concepts. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of: a. Preferred type of Android Game, b. Preferred Android Phone, c. Gaming Experience, d. Android Phone Literate 2. What will be the user expectation from game in terms of: a. Game Quality, b. Game Play, and c. Game Level? 3. Establishing the game graphics in terms of: a. Environment Design b. 3D animation c. Visual Effects 4. How will the game affect the target user in terms of: a. Game Uniqueness b. Game Mechanics c. Visualization 1. 3 System Objectives General Objectives The general objective of this study is to design and develop an android application game that will entertain, educate and test the mental capabilities of the user. Specific Objectives 1. Design an android application game using Unity3D version 4. 2. Develop an android application game 3D animation. 3. Enhance the user critical thinking of answering the questions. 4. To produce a game that will encourage our fellow students who are into programming, game developing and graphic designs. 5. To create a running platform game that is based on Pilipino Concepts and Pilipino Culture and Beliefs. 6. To make the game mechanics and story reliable and easy to understand. 1. 4 Significance of the Study Proponents – This study can enhance our skills to development a game which by using imaginations, creativity and to acquire knowledge throughout the developing process. Player – This is to encourage the player of our generation to try new games that is developed by indi-game developers. Programmer – It can enhance the person’s capability when it comes to multimedia and developing a game. Company – They can use our game to promote Pilipino style of culture thru the story and graphics of the game. Gamer – This is to encourage the modern generations of gamers to support Pilipino style of game interface and gameplay that can help the industry grow. Users – This is to encourage both young and adult generations to support Philippine literature type of gameplay and interface. Future Researchers – They can use our game as a guide to create a mobile application game in Android. 1. 5 Scope Limitation Scope Intense and exciting gameplay a. Running Platform gameplay b. Thrilling Adventure c. Strategic Gameplay d. Mind enhancing gameplay Semi-Realistic Graphics a. Real-world adaptations of selected Landmarks of the Philippines b. Landscapes c. Characters Limitation 1. The game can only be downloaded in mobile application sites. 2. The game can only be play by one player. 3. The game can only run on mobile phones with android application. 1. 6 Definition of Terms School Rush refers to a running platform game that features Pilipino style culture interface. Android refers to the operating system used to create a running platform game. Storyline refers to the content and outcome of every scene in the game. Environment Design refers to the interface of the game which is about Philippine literature. 3D Animation refers to the movements of the characters and effects of the game in 3D graphics. Visual Effects refers to the graphics of the power ups and effects of the game. Unity3D version 4 refers to the design and game development of the running platform game. Running Platform refers to the type of game play and actions of the game. Unity 4 it refers to the several updates with additional features over the course of its lifespan, such as the new Retained GUI, which is due in a future 4. x update. Levels refer to the stages of the game that is needed to be accomplishing in order to move on to the next level. Game Mechanics refers to the instructions of how to play the game. Unified Modeling Language (UML) refers to this implement all the object operation, message they sent to each other condition and behavior. Sequence Diagram refers to shows the operations that were or will be operated between the elements of the game based on their time sequence. Cell Diagram refers to shows major game play elements. Firmware refers to some way the game might store data in the ROM where the firmware is situated. This is due to the application way require instructions and data fragments from the ROM. CHAPTER 2 PROJECT FRAMEWORK 2. 1 Theoretical Framework After identifying the specific objectives, the proponents provide the following assumptions. The assumptions of the study state as follows: 1. Designed a application, runner platform game, that is unlike any other runner platform game created. 2. This application will be adapted by all ages. 3. This application will be used as informative game. 4. This application will be a source of information to the users. 5. This application will be an entertainment one. 2. 2 Conceptual Framework In this area of study it shows the conceptual framework of the proposed system based on the researchers study. The School Rush is a three-dimensional(3D) game for android that is a pleasing and much exciting than the other Android Games. Figure 1: Game Development Architecture(Conceptual Framework) 2. 3 Project Paradigm IPO (Input-Process-Output) Input process output an information processing cycle that determines how the information is processed and handled with in a system. Figure 2: Shows the IPO(Input-Process-Output) of the School Rush 1. Play 1. 1 New Game Input Process Output Figure 2: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the New Game Module for School Rush 1. 2 Continue Game Input Process Output Figure 3: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Continue Game Module for School Rush 2. Option Input Process Output Figure 4: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Option Module for School Rush 3. Help InputProcess Output Figure 5: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Help Module for School Rush 4. About Input ProcessOutput Figure 6: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the About Module for School Rush 5. Exit InputProcessOutput Figure 7: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Exit Module for School Rush 2. 4 Review of Related Literature The study which the sources are taken from books, journals, magazines, novels, poetry, and others. is in a chronological order from recent to past when presented. It is composed of discussion and facts and principle to which the present study is related. 2. 4. 1 Local Studies and Literature Base on the blog www. gdap. org. ph, Game development outsourcing has grown abin leaps and bounds over the years, fueled by the acceleration in global game production as well as by an ever-increasing need for companies to scale and stay competitive. Eastern Europe, India, Korea, and China are leading the way; however, countries like the Philippines seem to be slowly catching up. Entire game development processes, including art production, programming, and testing, are now being outsourced to local game studios by top publishers such as EA, Activision, Sony, THQ, and many more. In addition, more and more IPs (intellectual properties) are now being deployed by local studios and indie developers. According in the above statement, the Philippines has slow catch ups in global game production in a several years. And because of that Philippines are now being outsourced to local game studios by top publishers in the world. As stated in www. investphilippines. gov. ph/downloads/sector/Game Development, Game Development is alternately called Interactive Entertainment or Digital Entertainment in other countries. It is basically â€Å"Software Development for Entertainment†. The industry involves the production of original computer games for entertainment purposes, or services such as software programming, 2D and 3D artwork, creation of interactive simulations of real-life situations, and interactive learning materials. Game development also includes the rapidly growing and hugely popular online gaming or massively multiplayer online games(MMOG). The proponents proposed system entitled School Rush, is a 3D game, that not just like an ordinary game for entertainment but also have a educational purpose. School Rush came from the ideas combined by the brainstorming of the proponents, and by the use of Multimedia, game interfaces can be more so exciting while developing it. 2. 4. 2 Foreign Literature According to Zechner Green. (2011). â€Å"Beginning Android 4 Game Development†. page1. State that: This game development renewed our interest, and we started investigating which mobile platforms would be suitable for our development needs. Apples iOS seemed like a good candidate for our game coding skills. However, we quickly realized that the system was not open, that we’d be able to share our work with others only if Apple allowed it, and we’d need a Mac in order to develop for the iOS. And then we found Android. In relation to the study, games is implemented because of the development needs, so in this generation Android and iOS have been more interesting for game development. Creating an Android Game is not easy to do, but because of the use of Modern Technologies and softwares, proponents decided to come up with this kind of system to enhance their skills in programming and to adapt new things like this game development. As stated in a book of Zechner Green(2011). â€Å"Beginning Android 4 Games Development†. Android features have: An application framework that provides a rich set of APIs for creating various types of applications. It also allows the reuse and replacement of components provided by the platform and third-party applications. The Dalvik virtual machine, which is responsible for running applications on Android. A set of graphics libraries for 2D and 3D programming Media support for common audio, video, and image formats, such as Ogg Vorbis, MP3, MPEG-4, and PNG. There’s even a specialized API for playing back sound effects, which will come in handy in your game development adventures. APIs for accessing peripherals such as the camera, Global Positioning System (GPS), compass, accelerometer, touchscreen, trackball, keyboard, controller, and joystick. Note that not all Android devices have all these peripherals—hardware fragmentation in action. According in the statement above, Android possesses features with a high-level view. These are the features that game should have. Chapter 3. 0 Methodology Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. It, typically, encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitive or qualitive techniques. 3. 1 Project Design 3. 1. 1The Game 3. 1. 1. 1Game Menu Chart Figure 8: Game HIPO This figure shows the Game HIPO. 3. 1. 1. 2 Game Architecture Figure 9: Game Architecture This figure shows the Game Architecture. Based from Grady Brooch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson UML also Called (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard way to show how things will work and the implementations of the objects in your game this includes their operations, the messages they sent to each other and their behaviors in certain conditions. User: The player will create a new user name to be able to play the game. Having a user name will record the total score and the total ranking. Game Logic: The player will swipe up to jump over into an obstacle and swipe down to dock over into an obstacle. Swiping left and right to dodge into a obstacle. Every Power ups can contain questions with time limit that needs to be answered to be able to use. Special item can be bought in the store using the coins collected from the game. Audio: The audio of the game is being played from the menu and to the actual start of the game. The audio can be muted if desired. Graphics: The graphics used in the game is 3D graphics. The 3D graphics is an HD version. Win: The game is finished on time. A player must beat every level to be able to play the next level. Next Level: Every level has its own difficulties. The difficulty increases as the level goes up. Game Over: The player did not finish on time or died in the middle of the game. It same as in the endless run mode of the game but only when died. 3. 1. 1. 3 Game Procedures Figure 10: Game Procedures This figure shows the Game Procedures. 3. 1. 1. 4 Game Development Process Figure 11: Game Development Process This figure shows the Game Development Process. 3. 1. 1. 5 Game Development Analysis School Rush is a runner platform 3D game that will be created and developed by Overnight in the Crib. School Rush is a Filipino game where in the main character has the dream to be an Explorer but he must first finish his studies in Grade School in Mindanao, High School in Visayas and College in Luzon in order to make his dream come true. The game is set to a modernize-period wherein the famous places and landmarks of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao will be showcased. The name of the character is â€Å"Jose† a boy who’s an eager student when it comes to his studies. Equipped with a school uniform which can be upgraded, coins that can be picked up that serve as his Baon and Power-Ups that has Q A Function that needs to be answered in order for him benefit of the power-up he obtain along the run. 3. 1. 1. 6 Game Hardware Requirements Minimum system requirements for School Rush The specification listed is the lowest with which the game will work. Running the game on an android phone with any component that does not meet this specification may prevent the game from working. Processor: 600MHz or better Ram: 256mb or higher 3-axis accelerometer Android 2. 2 or higher Pixel screen: 480X800 Recommended: Processor: 1+GHz Ram: 1 GB 3-axis accelerometer Android 4. 0 or higher Pixel Screen: 480X800 or higher Figure 12: Program Flow Chart This figure shows the program flow chart. Figure 13: Data Flow Diagram This figure shows the Data Flow Diagram. Figure 14: Cell Diagram (Region) This figure shows the cell diagram of the region. Figure 15: Cell Diagram (Level) This figure shows the cell diagram of the level. Figure 16: Cell Diagram (Power-Up) This figure shows the cell diagram of the power-up. Figure 17: Cell Diagram (Syntax) This figure shows the cell diagram of the syntax. Figure 18: Game Architecture (Exploded) This figure shows the game architecture exploded

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students

4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips How important are recommendation letters in a college application? According to William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard, they are "extremely important." If you're a student, examples of great letters of recommendation can help you understand how to get strong letters yourself from your teachers. If you're a teacher, the examples in this guide will inspire you to support your students strongly as they apply to college. Keep reading for four excellent letters from teachers that will get anyone into college, along with expert analysis on why they're so strong. Important Note: Are you looking for job recommendation letters? If so, check out my great post here! Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today: First, let's understand the role of recommendation letters in your application. Why are Recommendation Letters Important? The majority of admissions officers at four-year colleges, especially private schools, emphasize that their process is holistic. They seek to gain a sense of the student as a "whole person," rather than focusing on pieces of who she is based solely on grades and test scores. Since they rarely meet the student in person, the recommendation letters, along with the student's own personal essay, play a huge role in illuminating her intellectual and personal qualities. That's why recommendation letters from teachers, especially those who know their students well, carry a great deal of weight in applications. A letter that expresses a strong vote of support, as well as highlights a student's impressive academic and personal strengths, can have a powerful effect on that student's chances of admission. Let's look at some samples of strong recommendation letters, one from an English teacher, another from a physics teacher, the third from a history teacher, and the final one from a math teacher. Then we'll break down exactly why these letters of recommendation are effective. The first example recommends Sara, a senior who loves to write and read poetry. Sample Letter #1: Sara the Poet Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest recommendation as a student and writer. Sara is talented at considering the subleties within literature and the purpose behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is dedicated to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to explore art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara opted to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as motivated by a desire to put herself in other people's shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, and gain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer. I am certain that Sara is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated, and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out constructive feedback so she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive quality in a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at callmeclemens@gmail.com. Sincerely, Ms. ScribeEnglish TeacherMark Twain High School This is a thorough, glowing recommendation for a student that Ms. Scribe clearly knows well. What other features make it stand out as a strong letter of rec? The Breakdown Ms. Scribe has a high opinion of Sara and her skills at writing and literary analysis. One way that she expresses this is by using powerful and specific language. She doesn't merely say Sara is a good writer. She says she's articulate about difficult concepts and sensitive to the nuances within literature. She calls her insightful and self-aware with shrewd powers of observation. These descriptors don't happen by accident. Ms. Scribe took the time to choose her words carefully, and that effort paid off with a strong letter that captures Sara's special qualities. Ms. Scribe also supports her characterization of Sara with examples. She describes her thesis paper and how she responded to questions thoughtfully under the pressured situation of her thesis defense. She gives the example of the debate on gun laws to illustrate Sara's openness to many different points of view. In addition to illuminating her intellectual and personal strengths and supporting them with specific examples, Ms. Scribe speaks to Sara's goals for the future. She points out that she is talented at writing, poetry specifically, and that she is committed to continuing to improve as a writer in her future. This letter, by virtue of its wording, length, and specificity, shows that Ms. Scribe took the time and effort to recommend Sara thoughtfully and with conviction. The fact that she knows Sara well and is committed to helping her application succeed with a thoughtful letter further adds weight to her assessment. This letter would be a boon to Sara's application, especially if she's applying to study writing or English. She clearly impressed her English teacher and, in return, got a memorable, complimentary letter of recommendation for her college application. This next example is similarly enthusiastic and detailed. It's for a student applying to an engineering program. Want to build the best possible college application, with the strongest recommendations? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Sample Letter #2:Stacy the Engineer Dear Admissions Committee, It is a great pleasure to recommend Stacy for admission to your engineering program. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my 15 years of teaching. I taught Stacy in my th grade honors physics class and advised her in Robotics Club. I am not surprised to find out she is now ranked at the top of an extraordinarily capable class of seniors. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, math, and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your rigorous engineering program. Stacy is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She is driven to understand how things work, whether they be the old computer hard drives in the school library or the forces that hold our universe together. Her final project in class was especially impressive, an investigation of frequency-dependent sound absorption, an idea that she said was sparked by not wanting to bother her parents with her hours of guitar practice at home. She's been a strong leader in Robotics Club, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our after-school meetings. When it was Stacy's turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture on lunar nautics and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. She was our only student teacher to be met with much deserved applause at the end of her lesson. Stacy's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Stacy's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. Stacy is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Stacy has my highest recommendation for admission to your engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, collaborating with others, or teaching herself to play classical and electrical guitar. Stacy's endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at milevamaricfanclub@gmail.comif you have any questions. Sincerely, Ms. RandallPhysics TeacherMarie Curie High School Ms. Randall is clearly as much of a fan of Stacy as she is of Mileva Marić. How does she communicate her recommendation? The Breakdown Ms. Randall plugs for Stacy right off the bat with a statement of outstanding ranking: Stacy isone of the most exceptional students she's had in 15 years of teaching. A statement like this is pretty extraordinary and will make an impact in the mind of its readers. Stacy sounds like a special student, and she chose her recommender well. Like in the last example, this letter uses strong, specific language, calling Stacy a perceptive and sharp person who has the confidence and good humor to take intellectual risks. Through its accurate and expressive language, this letter helps Stacy come to life in the mind of the reader. Beyond the evaluation, Ms. Randall gives specific examples of Stacy's academic and personal strengths. She talks about her successful teaching in Robotics Club, her leadership in group projects, and her dedicated practice to teaching herself to play the guitar. Rather than spreading the letter too thin, Ms. Randall highlights a few core themes. She connects Stacy's love of music with her passion for physics by talking about the frequency-dependent sound absorption project. All the threads tie together in a nice, memorable bow. This letter is a strong vote of support for Stacy's application to an engineering program. Her physics teacher admires Stacy's skills and goals, and she made it clear that Stacy had her highest recommendation in this letter. This next example also comes from a teacher who's extremely impressed with his student. It focuses on the student's performance in class and his volunteer work outside the classroom. Sample Letter #3:William the History Buff and Social Organizer Dear Admissions Committee, It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that William has made to our school and surrounding community. As both his 10th and th grade History teacher, I've had the pleasure of seeing William make profound contributions both in and out of the classroom. His school and community service is motivated by a strong sense of social justice, which he informs through a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that William is one of the most caring and driven students I've ever taught in my fifteen years at the school. As a child of immigrant parents, William is especially drawn to understand the immigrant experience. He produced an extraordinary semester-long research paper on the treatment of Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during WWII, in which he went beyond all expectations to conduct Skype interviews with relatives of his featured subjects to incorporate into his paper. William has a great capacity to draw connections between past and present and to ground his understanding of current issues in the context of historical events. He never retreats to a simple answer or explanation, but is comfortable dealing with ambiguity. William's fascination with U.S. and World History and skill for deep analysis have him an exemplary scholar, as a well as a motivated activist driven to promote civil rights and work towards social equity. In sophomore year, William noticed that the college planning seminars students attended included little information for first generation or immigrant students. Always thinking about how institutions can better serve people, William spoke with counselors and ESL teachers about his ideas to better support all students. He helped collect resources and design a college planning curriculum for immigrant and undocumented students to enhance their college access. He further helped organize a group that connected ESL students with native English speakers, stating his mission to be helping ELLs improve their English and increasing multicultural awareness and social cohesion at the school as a whole. William identified a need and worked with students and faculty alike to meet it in an extremely effective and beneficial way. Ever the history scholar, he did plenty of research to back up his ideas. William believes passionately in social progress and working for the common good. His own personal experiences, along with his profound grasp on social history, drive his advocacy work. He is a talented, intelligent student with the charisma, confidence, strong values, and respect for others to make a huge difference in the world around him. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that William continues to do for his fellow humanity in college and beyond, as well as the excellent work that he will produce at the college level. William has my highest recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact me at thethingstheycarried@gmail.com. Sincerely, Mr. JacksonHistory TeacherMartin Luther King, Jr. High School Mr. Jackson's letter makes William sound like a pretty amazing student and person. How does he go about expressing his admiration for William in this rec letter? The Breakdown Like Ms. Randall did in her letter, Mr. Jackson provides a statement of outstanding ranking for William, calling him one of the most caring and driven students he's ever taught. Considering his long teaching career of 15 years, this says a lot about William as a student and a person. Also like in the last example, Mr. Jackson focuses on a few core aspects of William's character. He talks about his love of history and how it informs his social activism. He comments on his exceptional historical scholarship, as well as his personal qualities of caring for those around him and working for the social good. Mr. Jackson also gives insight into William's personal life, explaining how he has a personal connection to his projects and volunteer work as the child of immigrant parents. This letter reveals that William is a thoughtful, motivated individual who connects his own experiences with his learning and desire to contribute to his community. The letter also showcases William's exceptional accomplishments by giving specific examples of William's research paper and his work supporting the academic and personal needs of ELL students. Mr. Jackson expresses his enthusiastic recommendation while illuminating William's love of learning and strength of character. This letter would be both impressive and memorable to admissions officers considering William for admission to their school. This next example comes from a math teacher. Let's see what Mr. Wiles has to say about Joe. Sample Letter #4:Joe the Hard Worker Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class. He has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that he can always improve that's rare in a high school student, but so essential to the learning process. I am confident that he will continue to display the same commitment and diligence in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your school. Joe would not describe himself as a math person. He's told me on several occasions that all the numbers and variables make his mind go fuzzy. Joe did, in fact, struggle to comprehend the material at the beginning of the year, but his response to this is what really struck me. Where so many others have given up, Joe took on this class as a welcome challenge. He stayed after school for extra help, got extra tutoring at the nearby college, and asked questions in and out of class.Due to all his hard work, Joe not only raised his grades, but he also inspired some of his classmates to stay after for extra help, as well. Joe truly demonstrated a growth mindset, and he inspired his peers to adopt that valuable perspective, too. Joe helped contribute to our classroom environment as one where all students can feel supported and able to ask questions. Joe's strong belief in his ability to acquire new skills and improve through practice was likely shaped by his years as a baseball player. He's played all through high school and is one of the team's most valuable players. In his final for our class, Joe designed an impressive project calculating and analyzing batting averages. While he initially described himself as not a math person, Joe reaped the benefits of his tremendous effort and found a way to make the subject come alive for him in a way that he was personally invested in. As a teacher, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness a student make this kind of academic and personal progress. Joe is a trustworthy, reliable, good-humored student and friend who supports others in and out of the classroom. He was a pleasure to have in class, and his positive attitude and belief in himself, even in the face of difficulty, is an immensely admirable asset. I'm confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed myself and his peers. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at fortheloveofalgebra@gmail.com. Sincerely, Mr. WilesMath TeacherEuclid High School While the students featured in the first three examples were top of their class or demonstrated leadership in the school, Joe isn't a top achiever in the traditional sense. However, this recommendation is still a strong one, even if it says he struggled in the teacher's class. What does Mr. Wiles focus on to recommend Joe? The Breakdown Mr. Wiles writes a strong letter for Joe, with the same kind of enthusiasm and specific examples as the other three letters. Even though Joe may not have gotten the strongest grades in his math class, he found an enthusiastic recommender in his math teacher. Mr. Wiles was extremely impressed with Joe's attitude, effort, and growth mindset, which he demonstrated throughout the year and inspired in his fellow classmates. Mr. Wiles focuses on Joe's substantial personal strengths, ones that would likely be impressive to his future educators. Even in a subject that may not come naturally to him, Joe is diligent and committed. He's not self-conscious about asking questions or seeking extra help, and he retains a strong belief in himself that he can continuously learn, improve, and acquire new skills. This letter, like the others, is effective because it is focused, supportive, and backed up with examples.As you can tell from these examples, recommendations can communicate a great deal about a student. Because of this, they can have a powerful impact on a student's chances of admission. So what can teachers and students do to make sure they are sending a strong recommendation letter that will help their chances? Enthusiasm is key. How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter While these letters are about different students with different interests, they share certain fundamental features. One, they sound excited and enthusiastic. The teachers clearly communicate that they are impressed by these students and eager to help them get into college. At the same time, the letters don't go overboard because they have examples to back up their assessments. Specific examples and stories are key for backing up the assessment. Plus, they make a letter more interesting and memorable. Rather than just another engineering applicant, Stacy is the student who researched sound-absorption to spare her parents from hours of guitar scales. Finally, the teachers all discuss their students' personal strengths, along with their academic strengths. They present the holistic view that admissions officers are looking for, along with their strong vote of confidence in the students' future success. Teachers should incorporate all these features into their letters, and students should help provide them with the raw material to write about. While students should choose a teacher who knows them well and has stories and observations to share, they should also give their teachers a detailed "brag sheet" and let them know what would go into their ideal letter. That way it can be even more personalized and complement the story the student is telling in the rest of her application. While recommenders may or may not share their letters with students, there should still be open, two-way communication when the student makes her request. That way students and teachers can work together to produce an insightful, enthusiastic, and specific letter of recommendation to send to colleges. Want to build the best possible college application, with the strongest recommendations? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. What's Next? Are you a teacher writing recommendations for your students? Read all about how to write an outstanding recommendation letter for your students, along with what not to include. Are you or a student you work with applying to a selective school, like Harvard? Learn about what kind of letter she should get for the Ivy League. Now that you've read these examples of strong teacher recommendation letters, check out these examples of bad ones. Warning: rec letters may appear better than they actually are. 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Friday, November 22, 2019

Battle of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott

Battle of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott Battle of Contreras - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Contreras was fought August 19-20, 1847, during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Armies Commanders United States Major General Winfield ScottMajor General William Worth8,500 men Mexico General Antonio Lopez de Santa AnnaGeneral Gabriel Valencia5,000 men Battle of Contreras - Background: Though Major General Zachary Taylor had triumphed in a series of victories at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterrey, President James K. Polk decided to shift the focus of the American war effort from northern Mexico to a campaign against Mexico City. Though this was largely due to Polks concerns about Taylors political ambitions, it was also supported by intelligence reports that an advance against Mexico City from the north would be exceptionally difficult. As a result, a new army was formed under Major General Winfield Scott and instructed to capture the key port city of Veracruz. Coming ashore on March 9, 1847, Scotts command moved against the city and captured it after a twenty-day siege. Constructing a major base at Veracruz, Scott began making plans to advance inland before yellow fever season arrived. Moving inland, Scott routed the Mexicans, led by General Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna, at Cerro Gordo the following month. Pressing on, Scott captured Puebla where he paused to rest and reorganize through June and July. Resuming the campaign in early August, Scott elected to approach Mexico City from the south rather than force the enemy defenses at El Peà ±Ãƒ ³n. Rounding Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco his men arrived at San Augustin on August 18. Having anticipated an American advance from the east, Santa Anna began redeploying his army to the south and assumed a line along the Churubusco River (Map). Battle of Contreras - Scouting the Area: To defend this new position, Santa Anna placed troops under General Francisco Perez at Coyoacan with forces led by General Nicholas Bravo to the east at Churubusco. On the west end of the Mexican line was General Gabriel Valencias Army of the North at San Angel. Having established his new position, Santa Anna was separated from Scott by a vast lava field known as the Pedregal. On August 18 Scott ordered Major General William J. Worth to take his division along the direct road to Mexico City. Moving along the east edge of the Pedregal, this force came under heavy fire at San Antonio, just south of Churubusco. Unable to flank the Mexicans due to the Pedregal to the west and water to the east, Worth elected to halt. As Scott pondered his next move, Valencia, a political rival of Santa Annas, elected to abandon San Angel and moved five miles south to a hill near the villages of Contreras and Padierna. Santa Annas orders for him to return to San Angel were refused and Valencia argued he was in a better position to defend or attack depending on the enemys course of action. Unwilling to mount a costly frontal assault on San Antonio, Scott began contemplating moving up the west side of the Pedregal. To scout the route, he dispatched Robert E. Lee, recently brevetted to major for his actions at Cerro Gordo, along with an infantry regiment and some dragoons west. Pressing into the Pedregal, Lee reached Mount Zacatepec where his men dispersed a group of Mexican guerrillas. Battle of Contreras - Americans on the Move: From the mountain, Lee was confident that the Pedregal could be crossed. Relating this to Scott, he convinced his commander to change the armys line of advance. The next morning, troops from Major General David Twiggs and Major General Gideon Pillows divisions moved out and began constructing a path along the route traced by Lee. In doing so, they were unaware of Valencias presence at Contreras. By early afternoon, they had reached a point past the mountain to where they could see Contreras, Padierna, and San Geronimo. Moving down the forward slope of the mountain, Twiggs men came under fire from Valencias artillery. Countering this, Twiggs advanced his own guns and returned fire. Taking overall command, Pillow directed Colonel Bennett Riley to take his brigade to the north and west. After crossing a small river they were to take San Geronimo and cut off the enemys line of retreat. Moving over rough terrain, Riley found no opposition and occupied the village. Valencia, engaged in the artillery duel, failed to see the American column. Concerned that Riley was isolated, Pillow later directed Brigadier General George Cadwaladers brigade and Colonel George Morgans 15th Infantry to join him. As the afternoon progressed, Riley scouted the rear of Valencias position. During this time, they also detected a large Mexican force moving south from San Angel. This was Santa Anna leading reinforcements forward. Seeing the plight of his comrades across the stream, Brigadier General Persifor Smith, whose brigade was supporting the guns that were firing on Valencia, began to fear for the safety of the American forces. Unwilling to directly assault Valencias position, Smith moved his men into the Pedregal and followed the route used earlier. Joining with the 15th Infantry shortly before sunset, Smith began planning an attack on the Mexican rear. This was ultimately called off du e to darkness. Battle of Contreras - A Quick Victory: To the north, Santa Anna, faced with a difficult road and a setting sun, elected to withdraw back to San Angel. This removed the threat to the Americans around San Geronimo. Consolidating the American forces, Smith spent the evening designing a dawn attack intended to strike the enemy from three sides. Desiring permission from Scott, Smith accepted Lees offer to cross the Pedregal in the darkness to take a message to their commander. Upon meeting Lee, Scott was pleased with the situation and directed him to find troops to support Smiths effort. Locating Brigadier General Franklin Pierces brigade (temporarily led by Colonel T.B. Ransom), it was ordered to demonstrate in front of Valencias lines at dawn. During the night, Smith ordered his men as well as Rileys and Cadwaladers to form for battle. Morgan was directed to cover the road north to San Angel while Brigadier General James Shields recently arrived brigade was to hold San Geronimo. In the Mexican camp, Valencias men were cold and tired having endured a long night. They were also increasingly concerned about the whereabouts of Santa Anna. At daybreak, Smith ordered the Americans to attack. Storming forward, they routed Valencias command in a fight that lasted only seventeen minutes. Many of the Mexicans attempted to flee north but were intercepted by Shields men. Rather than come to their assistance, Santa Anna continued falling back towards Churubusco. Battle of Contreras - Aftermath: The fighting at the Battle of Contreras cost Scott around 300 killed and wounded while Mexican losses numbered approximately 700 killed, 1,224 wounded, and 843 captured. Recognizing that the victory had unhinged the Mexican defenses in the area, Scott issued a flurry of orders following Valencias defeat. Among these were orders which countermanded earlier directives for Worths and Major General John Quitmans divisions to move west. Instead, these were ordered north towards San Antonio. Sending troops west into the Pedregal, Worth quickly outflanked the Mexican position and sent them reeling north. As the day progressed, American forces drove forward on both sides of the Pedregal in pursuit of the enemy. They would catch up with Santa Anna around noon at the Battle of Churubusco. Selected Source PBS: Battle of ContrerasBattle of Contreras: Official Report Battle of Contreras - Map

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Program project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Program project - Essay Example Background This project undertakes to offer a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture in the household furniture industry. The business plan will be completed in sections and this project presents the first section of the business plan. The proposed project, for which this business plan is written, is an entrepreneurial venture in the country’s household furniture industry that offers a viable business opportunity in both the United Kingdom’s domestic market and in major international markets. The enterprise will first be established in the United Kingdom’s capital city, and its independent branches established in other parts of the United Kingdom and other countries. In the United Kingdom, the industry projects positive prospects with expanding market capacity. The domestic market has grown over the past decade except in 2008 and 2009 when major world economies suffered from recession. The trend in growth, however, resumed in 2011 and 2012 and this identifi es confidence in availability of market for the proposed product. The industry’s scope is also wide with different types of commodities, types of houses and types of rooms, for offer. Types of rooms that offer the greatest demand for furniture are living room, dining room, bedroom, and kitchen, all of which have depicted increasing market potentials (Keynotes, 2013, p. 1). The market also identifies a good opportunity for an innovative approach because consumers are developing a trend of renovating their furniture as opposed to new purchases. While this may appear as a barrier to success in the market, consumers have retained their desire to communicate their social status through their property, and this means that an outstanding innovation that portrays high social standards will attract high demand for services. Highly perceived utility levels in newly invented brands of furniture will also attract new purchases. The industry’s projected growth also promises availab ility of market despite the existing competition from both domestic and international markets (Keynotes, 2013). The industry also has extensive market opportunities in developed countries such as the United States that has not been able to meet its household furniture demand from its domestic productions. For example, the past two decades have identified an increasing trend in the nation’s importation of furniture. Importation of â€Å"nonupholstered† commodities has increased from a bare 20 percent in the early 1990s to a more than 60 percent record reported in 2008. The current percentage is most likely higher with expected positive trends. Importation of upholstered furniture in the same period increased from 5 percent to almost 30 percent (Buehlmann & Schuler, 2009). The market in the United States is also indiscriminative against foreign products, but values developed image by exporting countries (Buehlmann, Bumgaedner, Lihra, & Fryer, 2006). These factors, theref ore, identify available market for the household furniture project, both domestically and in other developed countries. I also prefer the project because the wide scoped market that underscores unfair competition offers room for product differentiation through innovation. Introduction The enterprise, Golden Furniture, will operate as a private limited company. Its scope of operation will include designing household furnitu