Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sample Thesis free essay sample

Looking around at daily life, the pattern of computer oriented devices make life easier. All of the computerized facets in our society help to increase our daily productivity and help us to do whatever it is we need to accomplish in the day. The computer age is upon the people and it will continue to grow in influence until society revolves around it daily. In personal computers, the industry has begun to create faster machines that can store much more information. A computer is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. The particular sequence of operations can be change readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem. The interface between the computer and human operator is known as the user interface. [MIFF2009] The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Thesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol. [YOUR2013] Internet is such a huge network of several different interlinked networks relating to the business, government, academic, and even smaller domestic networks, therefore internet is known as the network of all the other networks. These networks enable the internet to be used for various important functions which include the several means of communications like the file transfer, the online chat and even the sharing of the documents and web sites on the WWW, or the World Wide Web. Website is a set of interconnected web pages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization. [MIFF2009] Information systems are implemented within an organization for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organizations, its work systems, people development and implementation methodologies determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved. With the use of Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station, people will be able to understand the importance of knowing what the possibilities are might happen due to their carelessness when it comes to their safety. Also, the website will view the offered services so that the people don’t need to visit the main station to inquire but simply use the internet to see all the information about the fire incidents, preventive tips and safety measures of the fire station. 1. 1 Statement of the Problem General Problem: How will the proponents develop an Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station that will motivate people more on efficient information about fire prevention and safety animation tips and tutorials Specific Problems: How will the proponents create a user- friendly interface which the user can easily understand. This becomes a problem if the person who is not computer literate, they have a hard time to understand and navigate the system. Unpleasant web design may cause unintentional mistakes and miss out the interests of the user. How will the proponents create a page that will secure unauthorized person to access important information. Due to manual process of the Sta. Maria Fire Station, important documents were not organized and only stored in computer ­, ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ filling cabinet, and even in wall shelves without any security causing the data to be access by unauthorized persons that can alter and easily destroy files. How will the proponents create appropriate animations, tutorials, and other multimedia elements for the proposed system. The fire station is conducting few events including seminars and still using the traditional ways of giving instructions that eventually may cause the people to get bored and at the same time, that the topics discussed on these events may be easily slip one’s mind. How will the proponents create a page that will post and update all activities of the Fire Station. Posting and updating the schedule of activities in a bulletin board is very risky due to its tendency to be destroyed unintentionally. Because of lacking of more space, previous announcements are being removed to create new one. And using materials and creating posters are time consuming and money wasting. How will the proponents create a page that will enable the user to send their comments and suggestions to the fire station Due to tradition process, the residents of Sta. Maria are having a hard time in getting information of the fire station. The residents also not informed if there is an announcement, activities or even seminars. 1. 2 Current State of the Technology Computers nowadays are widely spread to industries and businesses. People use it to make their work easier, faster and more accurate that reduces problems and errors. Many companies have already using the computerized and online system that is now making big roles in socializing people and distributing information. Creating websites or online systems expands the process of sharing, receiving and publishing information in a very quick and real – time manner. Information system is also an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Sta. Maria Fire Station is located at Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Before, both the police and fire station belongs in the same department. But since 1991, the fire station became separated and established causes to lose some important files. In the current system, the fire station is still using the manual process and accumulates several difficulties. SMFS announcements are posted only in bulletin board where pares and push pins are the tolls in posting updates and activities. Posting of events are made after the activity. Log books and other important documents are stored in filling cabinets and bookshelves indie and outside of the fire station’s office. Therefore, the materials have the tendency to be easily destroyed and fade as time passes by. The commonly problem of the establishment other than the lack of equipment is communicating and sharing information to people. SMFS owned 2 functional computers with internet connection and are used for making monthly reports and seminar’s presentation. The BFP requires different structures such as barangays, schools, hospitals and buildings to conduct seminars and inspections that are made through request. They also make inspection on submitted business permits. BFP requires conducting seminars so that the residents of Sta. Maria know how simple preventions will help and what they are going to do during incidents. They are only using projectors, LCD, Power Point Presentation, white board and marker. Presently, instead of 21, the fire station only have 18 firemen , composed of 10 Uniformed Personnel and 8 Non Uniformed Personnel (5Nurses assigned in fire aid and 3 volunteers). Uniformed Personnel are trained by the BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection). Sta. Maria Fire Station Vision A modern, efficient and responsive national fire protection agency working towards a public safety conscious society. Maria Fire Station Mission To protect lives and properties through the prevention and suppression of destructive fires; investigation of their causes and the provision of emergency medical and rescue services with the active support of the public. General Objectives To be able to create an Online Information System for Sta. Maria Fire Station that will give efficient information and safety animation tips and tutorials on fire preventing 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives To be able to create a user friendly interface which the user can easily understand. The proponents will create a user friendly interface that can be used by anyone even if the users have no deep knowledge on it. This kind of interface can be immediately understood especially for the SMFS user/s and the usage of the system can be learned quickly. Simultaneously, it guides the user through the critical path. To be able to create a page that will secure unauthorized persons to access the proposed system. The proposed system will be having a tight security in keeping the files by creating a log-in page both for the page visitors and admin that contains username and password so that only the authorized person can access the system. Where, only the admin of the website can see all the fire station’s important information while page visitors have limited access on the SMFS’s web page. To be able to create the appropriate animations, tutorials, and other multimedia elements for the proposed system. Incorporating animations in fire safety and prevention tips, fire mitigation and some multimedia elements to the proposed system that the SMFS can use to different events, especially in conducting seminars, will encourage the user/s to easily understand and remember the instruction and information regarding fire preventing. To be able to create a page that will post and update all activities of the Fire Station. The proponents will create a page that can update and post information regarding the events and activities of SMFS so that the people of Sta. Maria will be updated. And also will take less effort, time, and money in creating and posting announcements on the bulletin board. To be able to create a page that will enable the user to send their comments and suggestions to the fire station This will help the fire station in communicating with the residents of Sta. Maria. And also this will help the residents of Sta. Maria to deliver their personal concerns and in getting reliable information when they needed. Maria Fire Station. The proposed system aims to help the SMFS in sharing, communicating, spreading information that will attract the interest of all the possible users. It helps to view important information and awareness about fire incidents from the fire station. PhpMyAdmin or SQL Server The proponent will use PhpMyAdmin or SQL Server as database that will hold and store all information needed in the system. The proponents will store different incidents of Sta. Maria. They will also store all opinions and suggestions that the user post and other information to maintain the content of the server (Back-End) of the system. Adobe Dreamweaver The system will use Adobe Dreamweaver which is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standard-based websites. In graphics editing and designing the proponents will use Adobe Photoshop. PHP scripting language The proponents will use PHP scripting language. It is a general-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It is among one of the most developed server-side scripting languages that is embedded into HTML source document, rather than calling an external file to process data. Ultimately, the code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP server module which generates the resulting web page. It evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical application. Adobe Photoshop The developers also decided to use Adobe Photoshop to design the interface of the front end and back end, including the background and buttons. Front End –the online part of the system that the visitors can see. This is also the user interface and contains all the information needed. The proponents used Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dream Weaver, and PHP to enhance the front end of the system containing the Log-in, Home, Media, News and Events, Community, Contact Us, and About Us. Log-in (officers and administrator) –the part of the system that handles the authentication of the officers and administrator. The officers and administrator should enter the username and password to access the Back End of the website. Home –this is the main page of the created system wherein you can see latest safety and prevention tips, video tutorial, most updated news and events such as incidents. The homepage is dynamic so that the administrator of the page can possibly add, update or delete postings. Media – this page contains Video tutorials for fire safety tips, photos of Oplan Iwas Paputok incidents and seminars conducted in different structures such as Barangay ugnayan, schools and hospitals. News and Events – this page contains news and events regarding the fire station so that the residents of Sta. Maria will always be updated from the most recent to the most featured news and events. .Community – this page shows some information about the fire station and Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Contact Us – system page where contact details and location of Sta. Maria Fire Station can be seen. About Us – this page provides important information of Sta. Maria Fire Station. This includes the mission, vision, and the fire station’s officials. Back End – The back-end can only be seen by the admin. Only the admin can access the back-end. Part of the system which the admin can alter, modify and update the current system. File Maintenance- this will enable the system admin of Sta. Maria Fire Station to update all the desired data and information in the system. Log-In Maintenance – part of the system that allows the administrator of the page to navigate the whole system. Home Maintenance – this will enable the admin to update the latest news, updates and daily prevention tip in the system’s main page. Media Maintenance – back-end page of the system where the admin can add and update video tutorials and photos such as incidents and seminars conducted in different structures such as Barangay ugnayan, schools and hospitals. News and Events Maintenance – part of the system that the admin updates the most recent news and events. Contact Us Maintenance – back-end page of the system that the admin can update the contact details of Sta. Maria Fire Station. About Us Maintenance – this page will enable the admin to update the officials of the fire station. Limitation: The proponent will develop an Online Information System exclusively for Sta. Maria Fire Station. The system excludes the sending of online emergency calls/message. In addition, past records of incidents and other confidential files are not included in the system. The scarcity of firemen and fire fighting equipments will not be covered by the system. The further information regarding the inspection of business permit held by the system’s beneficiary will not be covered. The system can only be use by the administrator of SMFS. The created system will not be responsible by the proponents if the system was being hacked and manipulated by unauthorized person. Sample thesis free essay sample Introduction Developing games on Android has its pros and cons. First, Android games are developed in Java, but Android is not a complete Java implementation. Many of the packages used for OpenGL and other graphic embellishments are included in the Android software development kit (SDK). Many does not mean all though, and some very helpful packages for game developers, especially 3-D game developers, are not included. Not every package that may have relied on to build past games will be available in Android. [JFDM 2011] The proposed game is entitled: School Rush is a type of running platform game with Pilipino culture style of interface. The feature of School Rush is play thru level by level, gaining power-ups and answering different kind of questions. The power-ups of the game are based on Pilipino heroes’ powers. It can be gain through the levels of the game. The game play of School Rush is to pass all levels of the game thru the obstacles of every level. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample thesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Each level has cases that to earn a specific power on passing the level is to answer a particular question. Pass all levels and earning points to get the highest possible score. 1. 1 Background of the Study The version history of the Android mobile operating system began with the release of the Android beta in November 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1. 0, was released in September 2008. Android is under ongoing development by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), and has seen a number of updates to its base operating system since its original release. Since April 2009, Android versions have been developed under a codename and released in alphabetical order: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean. As of 2013, over 900 million active devices use the Android OS worldwide. The most recent major Android update was Jelly Bean 4. 3, which was released on commercial devices on 24 July 2013. [JROB 2013] The game play of the proponent game is like an exceptional free runner with the concept of a Pilipino culture style interface. There are power-ups, items and upgrades to help the user to get through the obstacles and levels of the game. Each time the user acquire power ups they will be required to answer different set of questions, in order to gain access of that particular power-up. The user needs to collect different set of Philippine coins to help them along the game. The score of the game is based on the stars that will be highlighted from each level with their corresponding high score. In modern generations of Android application games, there are different kind of games are being developed. The samples of these games are Zombie Tsunami, Temple Run, Subway Surf, Vector, City Rush and so much more. These games have different kinds of game play, story, graphics and theme. But these games are all running platform games with only different kinds of concepts. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of: a. Preferred type of Android Game, b. Preferred Android Phone, c. Gaming Experience, d. Android Phone Literate 2. What will be the user expectation from game in terms of: a. Game Quality, b. Game Play, and c. Game Level? 3. Establishing the game graphics in terms of: a. Environment Design b. 3D animation c. Visual Effects 4. How will the game affect the target user in terms of: a. Game Uniqueness b. Game Mechanics c. Visualization 1. 3 System Objectives General Objectives The general objective of this study is to design and develop an android application game that will entertain, educate and test the mental capabilities of the user. Specific Objectives 1. Design an android application game using Unity3D version 4. 2. Develop an android application game 3D animation. 3. Enhance the user critical thinking of answering the questions. 4. To produce a game that will encourage our fellow students who are into programming, game developing and graphic designs. 5. To create a running platform game that is based on Pilipino Concepts and Pilipino Culture and Beliefs. 6. To make the game mechanics and story reliable and easy to understand. 1. 4 Significance of the Study Proponents – This study can enhance our skills to development a game which by using imaginations, creativity and to acquire knowledge throughout the developing process. Player – This is to encourage the player of our generation to try new games that is developed by indi-game developers. Programmer – It can enhance the person’s capability when it comes to multimedia and developing a game. Company – They can use our game to promote Pilipino style of culture thru the story and graphics of the game. Gamer – This is to encourage the modern generations of gamers to support Pilipino style of game interface and gameplay that can help the industry grow. Users – This is to encourage both young and adult generations to support Philippine literature type of gameplay and interface. Future Researchers – They can use our game as a guide to create a mobile application game in Android. 1. 5 Scope Limitation Scope Intense and exciting gameplay a. Running Platform gameplay b. Thrilling Adventure c. Strategic Gameplay d. Mind enhancing gameplay Semi-Realistic Graphics a. Real-world adaptations of selected Landmarks of the Philippines b. Landscapes c. Characters Limitation 1. The game can only be downloaded in mobile application sites. 2. The game can only be play by one player. 3. The game can only run on mobile phones with android application. 1. 6 Definition of Terms School Rush refers to a running platform game that features Pilipino style culture interface. Android refers to the operating system used to create a running platform game. Storyline refers to the content and outcome of every scene in the game. Environment Design refers to the interface of the game which is about Philippine literature. 3D Animation refers to the movements of the characters and effects of the game in 3D graphics. Visual Effects refers to the graphics of the power ups and effects of the game. Unity3D version 4 refers to the design and game development of the running platform game. Running Platform refers to the type of game play and actions of the game. Unity 4 it refers to the several updates with additional features over the course of its lifespan, such as the new Retained GUI, which is due in a future 4. x update. Levels refer to the stages of the game that is needed to be accomplishing in order to move on to the next level. Game Mechanics refers to the instructions of how to play the game. Unified Modeling Language (UML) refers to this implement all the object operation, message they sent to each other condition and behavior. Sequence Diagram refers to shows the operations that were or will be operated between the elements of the game based on their time sequence. Cell Diagram refers to shows major game play elements. Firmware refers to some way the game might store data in the ROM where the firmware is situated. This is due to the application way require instructions and data fragments from the ROM. CHAPTER 2 PROJECT FRAMEWORK 2. 1 Theoretical Framework After identifying the specific objectives, the proponents provide the following assumptions. The assumptions of the study state as follows: 1. Designed a application, runner platform game, that is unlike any other runner platform game created. 2. This application will be adapted by all ages. 3. This application will be used as informative game. 4. This application will be a source of information to the users. 5. This application will be an entertainment one. 2. 2 Conceptual Framework In this area of study it shows the conceptual framework of the proposed system based on the researchers study. The School Rush is a three-dimensional(3D) game for android that is a pleasing and much exciting than the other Android Games. Figure 1: Game Development Architecture(Conceptual Framework) 2. 3 Project Paradigm IPO (Input-Process-Output) Input process output an information processing cycle that determines how the information is processed and handled with in a system. Figure 2: Shows the IPO(Input-Process-Output) of the School Rush 1. Play 1. 1 New Game Input Process Output Figure 2: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the New Game Module for School Rush 1. 2 Continue Game Input Process Output Figure 3: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Continue Game Module for School Rush 2. Option Input Process Output Figure 4: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Option Module for School Rush 3. Help InputProcess Output Figure 5: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Help Module for School Rush 4. About Input ProcessOutput Figure 6: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the About Module for School Rush 5. Exit InputProcessOutput Figure 7: IPO (Input-Process-Output) of the Exit Module for School Rush 2. 4 Review of Related Literature The study which the sources are taken from books, journals, magazines, novels, poetry, and others. is in a chronological order from recent to past when presented. It is composed of discussion and facts and principle to which the present study is related. 2. 4. 1 Local Studies and Literature Base on the blog www. gdap. org. ph, Game development outsourcing has grown abin leaps and bounds over the years, fueled by the acceleration in global game production as well as by an ever-increasing need for companies to scale and stay competitive. Eastern Europe, India, Korea, and China are leading the way; however, countries like the Philippines seem to be slowly catching up. Entire game development processes, including art production, programming, and testing, are now being outsourced to local game studios by top publishers such as EA, Activision, Sony, THQ, and many more. In addition, more and more IPs (intellectual properties) are now being deployed by local studios and indie developers. According in the above statement, the Philippines has slow catch ups in global game production in a several years. And because of that Philippines are now being outsourced to local game studios by top publishers in the world. As stated in www. investphilippines. gov. ph/downloads/sector/Game Development, Game Development is alternately called Interactive Entertainment or Digital Entertainment in other countries. It is basically â€Å"Software Development for Entertainment†. The industry involves the production of original computer games for entertainment purposes, or services such as software programming, 2D and 3D artwork, creation of interactive simulations of real-life situations, and interactive learning materials. Game development also includes the rapidly growing and hugely popular online gaming or massively multiplayer online games(MMOG). The proponents proposed system entitled School Rush, is a 3D game, that not just like an ordinary game for entertainment but also have a educational purpose. School Rush came from the ideas combined by the brainstorming of the proponents, and by the use of Multimedia, game interfaces can be more so exciting while developing it. 2. 4. 2 Foreign Literature According to Zechner Green. (2011). â€Å"Beginning Android 4 Game Development†. page1. State that: This game development renewed our interest, and we started investigating which mobile platforms would be suitable for our development needs. Apples iOS seemed like a good candidate for our game coding skills. However, we quickly realized that the system was not open, that we’d be able to share our work with others only if Apple allowed it, and we’d need a Mac in order to develop for the iOS. And then we found Android. In relation to the study, games is implemented because of the development needs, so in this generation Android and iOS have been more interesting for game development. Creating an Android Game is not easy to do, but because of the use of Modern Technologies and softwares, proponents decided to come up with this kind of system to enhance their skills in programming and to adapt new things like this game development. As stated in a book of Zechner Green(2011). â€Å"Beginning Android 4 Games Development†. Android features have: An application framework that provides a rich set of APIs for creating various types of applications. It also allows the reuse and replacement of components provided by the platform and third-party applications. The Dalvik virtual machine, which is responsible for running applications on Android. A set of graphics libraries for 2D and 3D programming Media support for common audio, video, and image formats, such as Ogg Vorbis, MP3, MPEG-4, and PNG. There’s even a specialized API for playing back sound effects, which will come in handy in your game development adventures. APIs for accessing peripherals such as the camera, Global Positioning System (GPS), compass, accelerometer, touchscreen, trackball, keyboard, controller, and joystick. Note that not all Android devices have all these peripherals—hardware fragmentation in action. According in the statement above, Android possesses features with a high-level view. These are the features that game should have. Chapter 3. 0 Methodology Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. It, typically, encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitive or qualitive techniques. 3. 1 Project Design 3. 1. 1The Game 3. 1. 1. 1Game Menu Chart Figure 8: Game HIPO This figure shows the Game HIPO. 3. 1. 1. 2 Game Architecture Figure 9: Game Architecture This figure shows the Game Architecture. Based from Grady Brooch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson UML also Called (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard way to show how things will work and the implementations of the objects in your game this includes their operations, the messages they sent to each other and their behaviors in certain conditions. User: The player will create a new user name to be able to play the game. Having a user name will record the total score and the total ranking. Game Logic: The player will swipe up to jump over into an obstacle and swipe down to dock over into an obstacle. Swiping left and right to dodge into a obstacle. Every Power ups can contain questions with time limit that needs to be answered to be able to use. Special item can be bought in the store using the coins collected from the game. Audio: The audio of the game is being played from the menu and to the actual start of the game. The audio can be muted if desired. Graphics: The graphics used in the game is 3D graphics. The 3D graphics is an HD version. Win: The game is finished on time. A player must beat every level to be able to play the next level. Next Level: Every level has its own difficulties. The difficulty increases as the level goes up. Game Over: The player did not finish on time or died in the middle of the game. It same as in the endless run mode of the game but only when died. 3. 1. 1. 3 Game Procedures Figure 10: Game Procedures This figure shows the Game Procedures. 3. 1. 1. 4 Game Development Process Figure 11: Game Development Process This figure shows the Game Development Process. 3. 1. 1. 5 Game Development Analysis School Rush is a runner platform 3D game that will be created and developed by Overnight in the Crib. School Rush is a Filipino game where in the main character has the dream to be an Explorer but he must first finish his studies in Grade School in Mindanao, High School in Visayas and College in Luzon in order to make his dream come true. The game is set to a modernize-period wherein the famous places and landmarks of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao will be showcased. The name of the character is â€Å"Jose† a boy who’s an eager student when it comes to his studies. Equipped with a school uniform which can be upgraded, coins that can be picked up that serve as his Baon and Power-Ups that has Q A Function that needs to be answered in order for him benefit of the power-up he obtain along the run. 3. 1. 1. 6 Game Hardware Requirements Minimum system requirements for School Rush The specification listed is the lowest with which the game will work. Running the game on an android phone with any component that does not meet this specification may prevent the game from working. Processor: 600MHz or better Ram: 256mb or higher 3-axis accelerometer Android 2. 2 or higher Pixel screen: 480X800 Recommended: Processor: 1+GHz Ram: 1 GB 3-axis accelerometer Android 4. 0 or higher Pixel Screen: 480X800 or higher Figure 12: Program Flow Chart This figure shows the program flow chart. Figure 13: Data Flow Diagram This figure shows the Data Flow Diagram. Figure 14: Cell Diagram (Region) This figure shows the cell diagram of the region. Figure 15: Cell Diagram (Level) This figure shows the cell diagram of the level. Figure 16: Cell Diagram (Power-Up) This figure shows the cell diagram of the power-up. Figure 17: Cell Diagram (Syntax) This figure shows the cell diagram of the syntax. Figure 18: Game Architecture (Exploded) This figure shows the game architecture exploded

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