Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bassanio and Portia in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice

When I met for the first time with Welliam Shakespeare's Venezian merchant Bassanio and Portia Bassanio, he asked his best friend Antonio for money. We learned that Antonio previously borrowed money from Bassanio and that his life was wasted beyond his ability. Bassanio told Antonio: Probably to some extent, Bassanio is using Antonio's money; it is unreasonable for him to seek any further before repaying his previous debt. Portia may be the smartest character on William Shakespeare's Venice Merchant. She gave Bassanio a ring to express their love and told him not to lose it or give up in any circumstances. After that, Possia served as a lawyer and defended friend Bartonnan Antonio. As a payment, Portia (still disguised) asked Bassanio to get a ring. Bassanio gave up. Portia knows what happened, but because Bassanio does not know, this is a dramatic ironic example; Posia accused him not to love her enough later. Love story of William Shakespeare Merchant of Venice The merchant of Veni ce is a game of love and hatred. Since we were introduced to the hero of the drama, the love plot began to develop in Acts 1 and 2. Bassanio is a friend of Antonio, Antonio is a champion of the show. Bassanio is a young man who introduced a childish personality at the beginning of the game. - The beginning of the story is to understand what the earth's life will be like in the next century. The first picture is that a mouse lies on the mountain trash mountain, so eating that person's rotten leg. Then a man decided he had decided to cut his leg to save himself When William Shakespeare wrote a merchant in Venice, he included a female character that influenced the drama. In most Shakespeare plays women have little power and wisdom. But in Venetian merchants Portia is a woman who saves men's life with wisdom and wisdom. Another woman created by Shakespeare has the same quality as Persia, Beutrice of Nothing about from Much Ado. Two women joined the theme of the drama because they were a ble to have love using their wisdom and witty remarks. Since Portia seems to be placed on a pedestal that rarely reaches, women have many similarities and many differences seem inevitable. Bassanio and Portia in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare's Bassanio and Posia's Venetian merchant store In this article I write an article about Bassanio if he thinks he deserves a beautiful, intelligent and skilled Bosnian. Throughout the game, Portia is clearly the most capable and intelligent person ever, she always has a long time in the game. It was quite obvious that when she pretended to act as the judge of the fifth act, it made him remove the very big mess that Antonio made for himself when stupid. It is the same in the game. Portia may be the smartest character on William Shakespeare's Venice Merchant. She gave Bassanio a ring to express their love and told him not to lose it or give up in any circumstances. After that, Possia served as a lawyer and defended friend Bartonnan Antonio. As a payment, Portia (still disguised) asked Bassanio to get a ring. Bassanio gave up. Portia knows what happened, but because Bassanio does not know, this is a dramatic ironic example; Posia accused him not to love her enough lat er. Love story of William Shakespeare Merchant of Venice The merchant of Venice is a game of love and hatred. Since we were introduced to the hero of the drama, the love plot began to develop in Acts 1 and 2. Bassanio is a friend of Antonio, Antonio is a champion of the show. Bassanio is a young man who introduced a childish personality at the beginning of the game. - The beginning of the story is to understand what the earth's life will be like in the next century. The first picture is that a mouse lies on the mountain trash mountain, so eating that person's rotten leg. Then a man decided he had decided to cut his leg to save himself When William Shakespeare wrote a merchant in Venice, he included a female character that influenced the drama. In most Shakespeare plays women have little power and wisdom. But in Venetian merchants Portia is a woman who saves men's life with wisdom and wisdom. Another woman created by Shakespeare has the same quality as Persia, Beutrice of Nothing abo ut from Much Ado. Two women joined the theme of the drama because they were able to have love using their wisdom and witty remarks. Since Portia seems to be placed on a pedestal that rarely reaches, women have many similarities and many differences seem inevitable.

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